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R E C R U I T M E N T   P R O G R A M S

The purpose of the Alumni Recruiting Students program of the East Tennessee Chapter of the Tennessee State University Alumni Association is to extend the reach of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment through the volunteer recruitment efforts of well-trained, knowledgeable, and passionate alumni. The program will help to expand the University’s brand presence on a local and regional level and help to increase enrollment at Tennessee State University. With well-trained, knowledgeable and enthusiastic alumni, we can truly put unmeasurable amounts of opportunity into Tennessee State University through our recruitment efforts.


Regardless of an individual’s economic situation, one of the greatest gifts they can give back to Tennessee State University is their time. The efforts of this program will capitalize on the passion our alumni have for their alma mater. Their ability to volunteer in the recruitment process or refer students to Undergraduate Admissions will enable us to secure the future of Tennessee State University and ensure the longevity of the institution.


Adopt-A-High School

The heart of the East Tennessee Chapter Alumni Student Recruitment program is the Adopt-a-High School activity. Alumni volunteers establish a connection with high schools in their area to act as a recruiter for all prospective and admitted students, in addition to acting as a local Tennessee State University resource for high school counselors. Activities include delivering Tennessee State University recruitment packets to schools, making congratulatory calls to admitted students and representing Tennessee State University at their adopted high school's graduation ceremony or award ceremony for seniors.

 If you're interested in having your high school adopted and your school is located in:


Anderson, Blount, Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Knox, Loudon, Roane or Sevier counties


Please contact:

Mr. Logan Hill '66

East Tennessee Alumni Chapter President


Big Blue Freshmen Send Off Picnic


The Big Blue Freshmen Send-Off Picnic is an annual celebration for rising college Tennessee State University freshmen and honored guests from Greater Metropolitan Knoxville, TN. The students that have verified their enrollment will be entering Tennessee State University to learn and departing to serve. Students that attend this event will be invited via electronic mail, recognized for their achievements, receive food and fellowship they won’t forget.


Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate for they also will be acknowledged, fed and exposed to opportunities that will assist their student.


Lastly, the East Tennessee Alumni Chapter desires to send them to college the right way by:


* Introducing them to other future students at Tennessee State


* Building relationships with future and present Tennessee State University students, alumni and supporters from Greater Metropolitan Knoxville


* Creating a support system with resources at the campus and in the community


Special Receptions

The East Tennessee Alumni Chapter of Tennessee State University National Alumni Association annually inivites admitted incoming freshmen classes to participate in Special Receptions in their honor. The chapter’s goal is to make contact with each admitted student from our East Tennessee coverage area and establish an ongoing relationship during their educational journey at Tennessee State University.


The East Tennessee Alumni Chapter also highly encourages admiited students to attend either our First (Februrary) or Second (May) Quarter reception at the Beck Cultural Exchange Center located in Knoxville, TN. We would be honored to have you attend, meet each student and family and have a dialogue about your upcoming Tennessee State University experiences.


Plus, the East Tennessee Alumni Chapter will inform attendees of the variety of ways inwhich the chapter can be of assistance.



Spring Preview Day

Tiger Junior Jumpstart

Tiger Junior Jumpstart 2014 - This event is sponsored by the Tennessee State University Office of Admissions and Recruitment. The event is held annually in the Spring/April and is designed to introduce high school juniors (with sophomore in mind) to all that Tennessee State University has to offer. Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet TSU President Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover,

  • Visit Academic Departments,

  • Discuss Financial Aid and Housing,

  • Tour the beautiful Campus,

  • Eat & socialize at the Admissions Tailgate,

  • Attend the Spring Blue and White Football Game, and

  • Hear our World Famous Aristocrat of Bands.



HS Senior Fall Preview Day

Big Blue Explosion

High School Senior Fall Preview Day - This event is sponsored by the Tennessee State University Office of Admissions and Recruitment. The event is held annually in theFall in either late September or early October. The program is designed to introduce high school Seniors the opportunity to preview what it is like to be a student at Tennessee State University. Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet TSU President Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover,

  • Visit Academic Departments,

  • View Student Organizations,

  • Tour the beautiful Campus,

  • Attend a TSU home football game at Hale Statdium, and

  • Hear our World Famous Aristocrat of Bands.



John Merritt Classic

 Preview Day for HS Students

Tennessee State University will be hosting its 16th Annual Fall Preview Day for High School Students and their parents in conjunction with the John A. Merritt Classic Football Weekend. The Annual Preview Day will be Saturday, August 30, 2014 in Kean Hall on the main campus at 10:00 am. Students are encouraged to bring transcripts and test scores for Admissions and Academic Scholarships consideration.


**Limited free game tickets will be available for students who attend.


** There will also be a pre-game High School Marching Band Showcase free with the game ticket. GO BIG BLUE!

© 2015 by East Tennessee Chapter of the Tennessee State University National Alumni Association.

All rights reserved.

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