Thinking, Working & Serving in Greater Metropolitan Knoxville, Tennessee
T R A N S F E R to T E N N E S S E E S T A T E
The Transfer Evaluation Process
The Office of the Registrar at Tennessee State University evaluates transfer credits for students who clear TSU admission criteria, and who have declared a major. Transfer evaluations will not be completed for students with an admission status of transient or special. The complete files of students that have cleared the transfer admissions process will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation. Each file is processed individually, reviewing institutional catalogs and conferring with the Academic Departments for specific course equivalencies.
How TSU Accepts Transfer Credits
Tennessee State University accepts transfer credit from institutions of higher learning based upon the following considerations:
The educational quality of the institution from which the student transfers
The comparability of the nature, content, and leel of credit earned to that offered by TSU
The appropriateness and applicability of the credit earned to the programs offered by TSU in light of the student's educational goals
All transfer Hours Attempted, Hours Earned, Quality Points and Grade Point averages earned at other colleges and universities are included in the TSU academic record. When posting transfer courses to the TSU record, all transfer courses are converted to TSU’s grading scale and repeat policy. If the previous institution uses a different symbol such as X or Y or any other alpha character or symbol, but the meaning is the same as I, F, at TSU, it will be treated the same and calculated in the GPA,
Students may earn college credit with grades of “P” for acceptable scores from non-traditional credit:
Advance placement
Military Service
Under normal circumstances Tennessee State University does not accept credit from non-regionally accredited institutions of higher learning and students may be asked to provide information to determine the comparability of content and level of credit presented as transfer to that credit offered by TSU. Petition may be made by submitting the Application for Acceptance of Transfer Credit Form available in the Registrar’s Office. Credit may be awarded only after review and approval by the appropriate academic department chair of the academic department in which the course is taught, approval of the academic dean of the college in which the course is taught. The application must be completed during the first term at Tennessee State University.
Students who feel that they are competent in certain subject areas are encouraged to earn credit through a nationally recognized credit-by-examination program or through departmental credit-by-examination programs at TSU.
Transferring from a Tennessee Board of Regents Institution
All universities and community colleges in the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) system share a common set of minimum requirements for baccalaureate degrees or associate degrees designed for transfer. TSU honors the completion of DSP requirements from any TBR institution regardless of credit hours assigned to individual courses or interventions used to complete the DSP requirements. Successful completion of DSP requirements from non-TBR institutions is demonstrated through COMPASS testing.
Community College Equivalency List
http://www.tntransferpathway.org/campuses/tennessee-state-university (by major)
Transfer equivalency listings are available for the following colleges:
Chattanooga State Technical Community College
Cleveland State Community College
Columbia State Community College
Dyersburg State Community College
Jackson State Community College
Motlow State Community College
Nashville State Technical Institute
Pellissippi State technical Community College
Roane State Community College
Volunteer State Community College
Walters State Community College
TSU Transfer Course Equivalency List
https://www.ws.edu/academics/transfer/equivalency-tables/ (by institution)
Faculty Advising
We encourage you to obtain faculty advising with regard to your degree plan prior to your first term at TSU and then each term thereafter. This will ensure that you don’t take the wrong courses or take them in the wrong order. By the end of your sophomore year, you should work with you advisor to fill out a “Program of Study Form” which details the courses you have completed and those yet to be completed for your major.
To obtain a faculty advisor, call the department where you intend to major.
Transfers with Associate Degrees
If a transfer student has earned an associate degree, the student must meet the following general education requirements:
9 quarter or 6 semester hours of English composition (must earn grade of “C” or better)
12 quarter or 9 semester hours of humanities (to include at least 6 quarter or semester hours of literature
9 quarter or 6 semester hours of American or Tennessee History
12 quarter or 8 semester hours of natural/physical sciences with labs
6 quarter or 3 semester hours of mathematics
9 quarter or 6 semester hours of social and behavioral sciences
6 quarter or 3 semester hours of oral communication
Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Common Catalog Statement Regarding General Education
Effective Fall Semester 2004, all institutions in the State University and Community College System of Tennessee (the Tennessee Board of Regents System) will share a common lower-division freshman and sophomore general education core curriculum of forty-one (41 semester hours for baccalaureate degrees and the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees. The courses composing the general education curriculum are contained within the following subject categories:
Baccalaureate Degrees*
Subject Area - Credit Hours
Communication - 9 hours
Humanities and/or Fine Arts (including at least 3 hours in literature) - 6 hours
Social/Behavioral Sciences - 6 hours
History - 6 hours
Natural Sciences - 8 hours
Mathematics - 3 hours
Total - 41 hours
*Foreign language courses are an additional requirement for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The B.A. degree requires proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to completion of two years of college-level work.
Courses designated to fulfill general education requirements by Tennessee State University are published in the Undergraduate Catalog. A complete listing of the courses fulfilling general education requirements for all TBR institutions is available on the web site (www.tbr.state.tn.us) under Transfer and Articulation Information.